It's Graduation Day!!
"If y'all was capable of getting it, I wouldn't mind explaining
If y'all was capable of getting it, it wouldn't need explaining"

Today is a day of Utmost Importance! Today is the day that my Powerful and Amazing Daughter is Graduating and Heading into Middle School. I am so Proud of you Little Beautiful. I know how hard you've fought and how much you've fought through. I have seen you frustrated and watched you witness your Accomplishments. You are doing so well at this thing called Life. Yeah, work on that "Teen Tude" that sometimes gets you into a world full of Everything, but Know that You are Loved For and Through Every Single Thing Like That. Keep Surviving the Daily trials of Life and keep going to sleep with Love in Your Heart. Today I watch you Grow Through a new stage of Life, like you've excelled through the many stages of the past, I expect to not be surprised by how Incredible and Inspiring everything you do turns out to be. Keep Loving YOU and don't ever stop. The world Needs the Greatness you bring to it Daily. Keep letting who You are Shine for the world to see. I love you Little Beautiful and I am so Impressed with who YOU are.