MyT My
"If y'all was capable of getting it, I wouldn't mind explaining
If y'all was capable of getting it, it wouldn't need explaining"
Today makes me happy. Knowing that you have overcome so many obstacles on the journey to becoming you is an inspiration to me as I prepare for the next leg of my journey. 21 is a milestone of different significance for us. We're always happy for someone to see another day of life let alone a year, but statistically we're systematically designed to fail at a higher rate than any of our counterparts, and you haven't. I have watched you grow from a child to a full grown man. I give honor to your parents for their part, they did a fantastic job. But you have picked up the load of carrying you and living your life on your terms and I love seeing it. Along the way many stumbles occur and will continue to, but I have the utmost faith in your ability to overcome any obstacle that presents itself. You are everything you believe yourself to be and I hope you have a percentage of the belief in you that I do. I look forward to spending so much time with you learning the lessons I have yet to learn about being a man. Even though I'm older I still have much to learn from you. Keep living strongly. When you come across a mistake or bad decision handle it with the history of success you have from your past. As you move into the next stage of who you're growing into carry with you the knowledge that you still have so much more to do. I'm beyond proud of you nephew. I patiently watch as you continue to succeed at being exactly who the world and everyone in it needs you to be. Thank you for enriching my life with yours. Please know and always remember that I'm here and forever will be. Family means something different to me, and your position in my life and heart has been secured since the moment you entered it. Thank you for always accepting me and allowing me to be a part of your amazing story. I love you. Happy Happy Birthday nephew & many more.