Shine through your struggles
Thanks for being you! Thanks for the blogs! Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Hey son just a note to say how veery proud i am of you! These years have been hard but I've seen you grow and fight to stay relevant. Please don't stop now! Keep the blogs coming even when you don't feel like it! I think they will keep tour mind sharp, give you focus and give you purpose! You are a phenomenal individual, an awesome son, brother, husband, father and friend to many! Thank you for loving and caring for us all! I am looking forward to the day that you walk out from behind those prison walls and get the opportunity to share your story with other young men and women so they can change the doom mindset that sends so many to prison. Your story had not began to reach the masses. But it will! Please hold your head up, don't give in, and don't give up. Stay prayed up and focus on the positive things that constantly seeks to support you! What resources do you need! Just let me know I will do everything in my power support you and your awesome family! I love you son a whole bunches! They can confine your body, please don't let them confine you mind, your drive or your motivation to not be consumed by your current environment! Dear Lord please continue to protect your child and my son behind those prison walls. Please remove any and all, things and circumstances that threaten his mere existence and hinders his ability to trust you through all adversity especially during the moments he can't feel or see you moving on his behalf. Please send the right people, lawyers family and friends he needs right now to keep him alive and focused on his future, thank you for forgiving him for his past, and keeping him alive and with a future window in which he will have the opportunity to see whats its like to be forgiven and given a second chance to guide others on a different path away from prison and towards positivity! I love bunches son God bless! Mom
Thank you Mom. Thank you for being the one who you've always been. The one who could be depended on when no one else can. Moms are such a blessing as many of us in prison know. We (us people in prison) are indeed people. I won't throw judgements out and about as to who deserves love, support and investment and who doesn't. I don't know if anybody follows the themes expressed in movies and media circumstances like I do, but I really like the theme of understanding that is trying to be portrayed and expressed. The movie The Joker is a prime example to me. So many people truly are forces of will that if the right things were…